BLOGPOST #2 (Lecture)


A. Functions of DBMS or 
Database Management Systems

DBMS or Data Management Systems can grant an access for multiple users to an specific database. DBMS can be very reliable nowadays because of many stuff like data security, storing and organizing data, protecting data integrity, backing up data and recovering it quickly and many many more capabilities that are very useful. what's more is about the consistency, database management systems can perform consistently without causing problems because it is achieved by establishing rules. Lots of businesses can increase their access to data, they can use it to track their records from the past and think of a best solution for their success and also to prevent them from their past mistakes.

Here's and example of DBMS granting access to multiple users.

B. Advantages of DBMS

The advantages of Database Management Systems is that it specializes data sharing, data organizing and data security. DBMS's productivity is increased, where you can easily access any data you have from your database, you can also easily recover anything that you already deleted from your database and it can be used by multiple users so that the work can be faster. As for businesses, it can increase their productive workforce by improving their data processes using DBMS, any business organization can come up with a better decision because by tracking their past data where they made slip up mistake.

One of the DBMS advantage example.

C. Disadvantages of DBMS

While we have advantages of DBMS, we also have its disadvantages. Database Management Systems main disadvantage is the cost, DBMS cost increased because of the processing requirement to manage all the data we have, while we have lots of data, we need more capacity on our storage to store all the data, and more capacity of storage costs us more. And I'll also include the DBMS failures. DBMS can fail anytime, what we need is a lot of maintenance and constant power, if the database fails then the whole system will fail and our data or any organization will be affected, their data may not be saved, it may be deleted, and etc. I may also include the complexity, it requires a lot of staff and software to do so, they all need the knowledge of the DBMS, failure to do so can be led to data loss or wrong management of data which could affect any organizations data.

Example of manpower that is well-known of Database Management Systems.


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the different components of DBMS?

There are many components of DBMS, for example the Query Processor where it interprets the queries of users and makes them actionable command, and Data Utilities where it adds and additional inbuilt utilities such as back up and restore, data validations, data integrity checks and more from the Data utilities. We also have Log Manager where it keeps all the logs from the DBMS. It also has the Storage Engine, this is considered as the core component of DBMS that interacts with the file system at an OS level to store data.

2. What is the difference between data and information? 

Data is a collection of raw materials such as letters, facts, numbers and etc. In short, it has no value. While the information is the one who provides a value to data. Information can't exist without data but data does not rely on information.

3. What is an overall system structure of a DBMS?

The overall system structure of a DBMS are the File manager, Database manager, Query processor, DML PRECOMPILER and DDL compiler. The File Manager manages the allocation of disk storage space, Database Manager provides interface between data stored in database, Query Processor translates statements in query language, DML PRECOMPILER converts DML instructions embedded in application program and DDL Compiler converts DDL statement to a set of tables metadata or data about data.

4. What are the different functions of DBMS?

Different functions of DBMS are the Data Definition, Data Manipulation, Data Security and Integrity, Data Recovery and Concurrency and Data Dictionary.

5. Who are the different users of DBMS?

Different users of DBMS are Application Programmers, NAÏVE or Parametric Users, Specialized Users and Sophisticated Users.


Answer the following questions: Identification

1.An automated system for maintaining records. 

2. Manages the allocation of disk storage space. 

3. Stored in a database is both integrated and share.
Answer: DATA 

4. Refers to the people whose jobs require access to the database system for querying, updating, and generating useful reports. 
Answer: END USER 

5. Translate statements in query language.


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